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Bulawayo City Centre, Bulawayo CBD, Industrial, Bulawayo
1,388 m²
This place includes all furnishings, linen, kitchen, and laundry appliances (lock and stock).

Property’s Legal Description

A certain piece of land situated in the District of Bulawayo being Stand 647 Bulawayo Township in extent 1388 square meter (Also known as Berkeley Place, 71 Josiah Tongogara Street, Bulawayo)


World Coordinates -20..

Subject property is located approximately 0.850 kilometres in an easterly direction from Bulawayo Main Post Office. The following map shows the location of 71 Josiah Tongogara Street, Bulawayo

Size and Topography

The entire tract of land measures 1388 square meters. The site is rectangular in shape and its terrain is gently sloping.

Services and Amenities

The property is services with water, sewer and electricity from City of Bulawayo and Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) respectively.

Solar System

The entire buildings, hot water system is solar (ZESA used for lights, kitchen, and laundry)

Description and Improvements

A double storey commercial building predominantly used as a boarding house, built of rendered brick walls under a corrugated iron sheets/ tiled roof supported by timber trusses. It comprises of the following :

42 boarding rooms with a combined capacity of 80 students
Kitchen . restaurant
Hair salon
Beauty shop
Spa / massage parlour
Staff quarters

Condition of Building

The commercial dwelling is built to a good workmanship

Property is valued at USD2million


Internet Connection
Municipal Water
Sewer System
Tarred Roads
Parking bay

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